Photos Copyright Fr. Christopher Epps
Welcome to St. George's Website.
St. George's Church is a Parish under the auspices of the Society of Ss. Wilfred and Hilda under the Episcopal care of the Bishop of Oswestry (formerly Ebbsfleet). The Parish is in interregnum but is served by three retired Society priests (SSC).
We sit firmly in the Orthodox Anglo-Catholic tradition.
The See of Oswestry:
The Society of Ss. Wilfred & Hilda:
Our Mission -
Is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ, celebrate the Sacraments and maintain the true faith as handed down by the Apostles and early Church Fathers.
Click below to see more.
For Latest News
see below
Weddings & Baptisms
Our church offers a traditional setting for your most sacred celebrations.
To enquire about a wedding, baptism or funeral please contact:
Mrs Sue Pettit 01872 273222
For other contact details see Visit us
On Sundays our sung Parish Mass is at 9.30am.
See "Latest News" below for additional services.​
Latest News​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​Sunday 19th January - 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 9.30am Parish Mass
St. George's Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 27th April in church after Mass
The Church Electoral Roll will be completely revised this year. Application Forms will be available shortly to re-enrol.
This year's Oswestry Chrism Mass will be held in Exeter Cathedral on 10th April at 11.00am
Every fifth Sunday will be a Charity Sunday when there will be a special collection for a nominated charity. Sunday 27th October will be for Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)
​St. George's Breaking News
With exceeding great gladness, the Bishop of Oswestry shares the news, recently announced, that the Revd Dr Owen Edwards has been appointed Vicar of S. Michael's Penwerris and Interim Priest-in-Charge of S. George's Truro in the Diocese of Truro. These are parishes which have long lingered in interregnum but which now look to the future with confidence, ambition, and vigour. Ss. Michael, George, Piran, Petroc, and all the saints of Cornwall, pray for Fr Edwards, his family, and these dear parishes!
Our Special events:​
St. George's Annual Parochial Church Meeting will take place on Sunday 27th April in church after Mass
Other news:
Family Fest 2025 dates - Friday, 20th to Sunday 22nd June
The 101st Glastonbury Pilgrimage will take place onSaturday 6th September 2025 In the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey
Family Fest 2024 - concluded on Sunday, 16th June. Unfortunately, the weather was mixed but spirits were not dampened! The theme this year was "Magnificat - Mary's Song".
It was a joy, as always, to welcome Bishop Paul to St. George's on Sunday 18th February to celebrate Vespers and Benediction. The liturgy was followed by a cream tea and cakes!
Fr. Christopher attended the first ever Oswestry Eucharistic Conference held at the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham last November, 2023.
Ensuring that children and young people as well as vulnerable adults are kept safe whilst in our care is an integral part of our church life. If you have any concerns about safeguarding please contact our safeguarding coordinator Sue Pettit on 01872 273222.
In the Diocese:
Reverend Andy Earl Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser: 01872 274351
Out of Hours or after 5pm and weekends:
01208 251300
In an emergency situation:
Local Authority Children’s Social Care:
0300 123 1116
Local Authority Adult’s Social Care:
0300 1234131